Motivational speakers wanted
Motivational speaker. From the storyteller around the campfire to great spiritual and political leaders, speakers have motivated people throughout history.
If you have ever made a class presentation, spoken up at a meeting, or given a toast at a wedding reception, you have spoken in public.
Since public speaking is many people's greatest fear, if you enjoyed the experience, you might have what it takes to become a professional speaker.
Today's motivational speakers inspire students to stay in school, say no to drugs and gangs, and prepare for life after graduation. Adults are motivated by speakers to follow their dreams and achieve greater success in business and in life.
Here are 10 steps to breaking into this fab job, based on the FabJob Guide to Become a Motivational Speaker:
1. Do an inventory of your life experience
The first place to look for what to speak about is your own life. Make a list of the goals you have achieved, such as: graduating from college, landing your first job, finding someone to love, overcoming a bad habit, starting a business, raising children, or achieving a lifelong dream.
Of course, it's even better if you have achieved something extraordinary, such as winning an Olympic medal, publishing a bestselling book, or giving birth to septuplets! But even accomplishments that seem "ordinary" can provide material for speeches.
People find it inspiring to hear about how others have overcome obstacles to achieve their dreams. If you have ever had to deal with fear, rejection, financial hardship, or loss along the way to achieving your goals, chances are you have the basic material to give a motivational speech.
2. Identify what you have to offer
Unfortunately, unless you're already famous, audiences won't pay just to hear about your life. (Many people are happy to talk about themselves for free!) To be successful, you should identify how your speeches can help people solve their problems, achieve their goals, or otherwise improve their lives.
3. Choose a "niche"
People are unlikely to take you seriously if you promise that your speeches will solve all their problems and help them: get rich, lose weight, find the love of their life, become great leaders, get healthy, make more sales, be happy, etc., etc. Instead, pick one specialty or "niche" such as leadership. It's important to have a niche because people like to hire experts. After all, if you needed surgery, wouldn't you want your doctor to be "an expert"?
4. Know your target audience
It can be tempting to say, "I want everyone to hear what I have to say!" The reality is that if you develop a speech bank executives love, chances are it won't go over as well at the local elementary school.
Depending on your niche, you could define your audience by characteristics such as age, gender, geographic location, industry, interests, or any other traits that distinguish one group from another. Once you have identified your audience, you can target your efforts directly to that group.
5. Write your speech
If this is the part of becoming a speaker you fear most, the good news is there are people who can write a speech for you. You could check the Yellow Pages and hire a speechwriter, public relations firm, or speech coach. Prices can vary widely, so ask for a flat fee quote.
If you want to write it yourself, you can find numerous online resources to help you. There are numerous excellent speechwriting websites including sites offered by communication departments of several universities.
6. Polish your speaking skills
It's fine to feel nervous when you first start speaking. But, as a professional speaker, it's your job not to let it show. Among the traits that can help you succeed as a speaker are confidence, credibility (a combination of likeability and expertise), and enthusiasm. Most colleges and universities offer evening classes in public speaking to help you develop these traits.
Another idea is to join Toastmasters, an international non-profit organization that helps people to practice speaking skills at weekly meetings.
7. Prepare promotional materials
Once you have written your speech and are confident in your speaking skills, you're ready to start marketing yourself to the people who can hire you. Your promotional materials include a "demo" tape and an information package.
While professional speakers spend thousands of dollars on a demo tape, as a beginner, your demo tape can be as simple as a video recording of one of your speeches. (Set the camera up on a tripod at the back of the room.)
Your information package can be a two-pocket folder available from any stationery store. It includes such items as a letter of introduction, a business card, your resume, a color photograph, a page summarizing your experience and the benefits of your speech, and testimonial (reference) letters from people who have heard you speak. To make my package stand out, I also like to include a small gift related to my speech, such as a postcard with an inspiring message.
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