motivational trainers in india
Question here is not who is good, the question is who is effective as well as who produces results! The question is who is having better sensory awareness?
Since I have attended and I have gone through remarkable transformation, I would recommend Mr. S A Anand - he is best in India not because he won awards, because he is an innovator, He changes the rules of the game to transform and bring complete change in people’s life. He has rewritten the rules of Personal and human development competition.
What I like about him is his approach. If you want to know who am I and how fast I can change you - come for mentoring ( diagnosing ) session. Pay 1500 for two hours. Let him know during two hours of mentoring & diagnosing session, what will you exactly need, how much improvement will you need. He will prepare the blue print course / map for you to change. And if you like it & convinced about it - join his course.