Best motivational speakers in America
Transcript for 11-year-old motivational speaker who went viral appears live on 'GMA'
We are back now with some Monday motor vase. This 11-year-old nyeeam Hudson has traveled the world to encourage others to be confident. Let me speak to you a moment. Let everyone know his story. There's this kid teasing me. I told the kid, it's not about what I have on my feet. It's about what I have inside my head. I became a motivational speaker to help people. Children, let me tell you this. They're capable of doing everything. You have to let your children express theirselves. You have to let them talk. You have to let them make noise and, remember, if somebody doesn't know something, help them. If you're dedicated to do something, do it today and do it right now. One boy in particular, a few weeks ago he was in Tanzania, Africa. Africa was amazing. Beautiful people out there. It was people with signs yelling my name, king nahh, king nahh, little old me, I was in the newspaper. I'm still going through the same life as everybody else in the world because I'm not perfect. All I do is just express myself. Wow. Now you're on "Good morning America." How did this get started? Well, this really started from me dancing in the mirror and being goofy at a very young age and - You're still at a very young age just so you know. I know, it's just a habit for me saying that. It started off with me dancing in the mirror and being goofy and it escalated to motivational speaking. I never wanted to be a motivational speaker at first. At first I wanted to be an actor and a rapper but motivational speaking is just something that escalates to. I know people will go, come on, man. You're 11 years old. You're going to preach to me. How do you react to people who say that you're too young to do this which is ridiculous. Well, how I react to that I go on stage, I speak, I get off the stage and I look at their faces and I see them blown away. All right, all right. Speaking at a young age. Let's see you blow away some people. We have young people your age and there's issues they're going through and we're going to start with bullying and we have confidence and so, Lauren, what is your question for king nahh. What inspirational mess agos do you have for kids to help build their self-esteem and confidence. That is a great question, Lauren. So I'm just going to give you a little scenario. Think about when you're building a Lego tower or sand castle and it's perfect, it's right where you want it, tall, amazing and your little brother comes in and knocks over your Lego tower or your friends come to the beach and make a mistake and run over your sand castle. You won't let your castle be shattered all over the floor, are you? The only way to get it back is if you build it back up again. Think about it like that but with your confidence when people try to knock your confidence down and break you have to build your confidence up, every morning by waking up and looking in the mirror and telling yourself, I am great. I am powerful. I am strong, anything that motivates you and anything that gets you going. All right. Not only you, Lauren, I saw some adults shaking their head as well. Bullying is also an iue that a lot of people, especially young people are dealing with. Brooks, you have a question? What do you think a person should do to show love and positivity towards someone who is trying to bully Ortiz them. What I would say to that, try to communicate with that person. Attitudes are evidence of misery and what that means is when a person is getting abused at home and a person getting yelled at they go to a school and they look forward to picking on a younger person. So, that's why you have to communicate with them and talk to them and sometimes another thing, try to help them when ey're struggling with the subject in class because then you can become friends and then you can convince them to stop bullying. I've done it multiple times. How does this come to you? How have you - where do these life lessons - who has motivated you? How has this happened? I was going to point to my father but he doesn't like being on TV so - But my father, he was always my motivation. He always drives me. Every time I thought about giving up. Every time I thought about quitting he was right there for me. I love it because we were going to have him on. He said, no, this is my son's moment. Don't put the cam are on him. Way to go, dad. All right. Now you motivated the young ones. How about the ole folks. What can you say on this Monday, give us a little Monday motivation. The big Monday. This is the day that a lot of adults complain about. I want to tell all of you beautiful people this, now think about your Monday like a basket. Unless you say you only put greasy food in it like fried chicken and barbecued wings. I don't eat beef or pork but I'm saying mm-mm for the crowd. Since there's only greasy food in there how do you expect to pull out a apple or banana. Something healthy for you. Think about your day the same way. Only put negative thoughts in it how do you expect to have a positive day. You have to put positive thoughts in your day, be positive, be happy and then I guarantee you you will have the best Monday that you ever had in your entire life.