Motivational activities for work
Communication and positive workplace interactions are the cornerstone of any professional relationship. Whether you are communicating with a colleague, manager, or customer, effective communication is always needed. Not only will this reduce confusion and frustration in the office, it will also help keep your employees engaged.
Sometimes, communication needs to be encouraged. And sometimes to be effective, communication must also be practiced. Research shows that team exercises not only improve communication and motivation among workers, but it also helps create a more cohesive and productive work environment. Here are six refreshing exercises that will help you encourage teamwork and communication in the office.
If your team is feeling drained and stressed, this fun exercise is a great way to refresh and energize them. It doesn’t require much time and the recommended group size is 10-20 people.
- Participants will need to form two equal lines facing each other.
- The game starts when one line turns around, giving the second line 40 seconds to change 10 things about themselves. This can include anything from jewelry or clothing being swapped with other people, untied shoelaces, a different hair do, or a switched watch or ring to the other hand. All changes must be something the other group can see.
- After 40 seconds, the first group turns around and tries to find all the changes the other group made.
- Once the changes have been recognized, the groups switch, giving each team a chance to make changes.
This game will stimulate the participants’ minds and challenge their memory. Incorporate this activity when a lack of energy is apparent.
Grab Bag Skits
This acting exercise is another great way to refresh and energize your team. It doesn’t require much time but does need some props. Depending on the number of groups you have, each group will need a goodie bag filled with five to six random objects. Recommended group size can range from 10-50 people.